Google ChromeOS - The OS for a new era


The dominance of traditional business operating systems has been unchallenged for decades. However, in the wake of recent security breaches and increasing concerns about security, cost, and sustainability, businesses are seeking more modern and efficient solutions instead of expensive, drawn-out upgrade cycles.

In response, Google wanted to position ChromeOS as a future-forward, innovative alternative for businesses, targeting enterprise and mid-market IT decision-makers to opt for ChromeOS by communicating the many benefits of switching.


We created a dynamic, visually-compelling digital-first film that showcased the many benefits of ChromeOS for businesses, highlighting its cost savings, high security, sustainability standards, simplicity and widespread use of AI.

It successfully landed the key message that ChromeOS offers businesses a compelling new era of computing, by tackling the range of concerns decision-makers face in modern enterprises. The film premiered following a recent global tech outage, making its timely and topical release highly relevant for businesses grappling with the aftermath of security and systems breaches.


On LinkedIn, the post has received close to 14k views, 24k impressions, 151 shares, and over 500 likes with an engagement rate of ~7%.

It is the most popular video on Google’s Android and Chrome Enterprise YouTube channel with over 334k views and 47 likes.